I have one week of freedom left. One much too short week. I have my class schedule (unless they change it. Again. Sigh.) and I've gone on a if-I-have-pretty-stationary-that'll-help-right? shopping spree, my class outlines and book lists aren't up yet but as soon as they are I'll print the outlines and pencil in all the assignments and buy all the books I need. Then I'll cry about my bank balance cause holy shit books are expensive!! I've been trying to see if I can fit in a yoga class at uni, as is typical all of them are at the wrong times, there is only one that may work but it also means I'll have to drive home in the dark. Which is not on my list of things I want to do. A acquaintance from last semester is in two of my classes this coming semester and also wants me to come across to a free uni pizza thing next week-I said I'll go. Maybe I'll go to the movies after or buy a mirror. Which I've been meaning to do for three years. Um. Yeah. Anyway I'm not looking forward to uni, scared shitless would be more apt. My hair still hasn't recovered from last semester and I'm taking an extra unit this semester. Please wish me luck. And send my hair well wishes and grow-y thoughts.
In other news I'm feeling really keen to try out scuba diving. I really enjoy snorkelling and diving seems super cool and opens up so many awesome opportunities. There are problems though-diving buddy being the main one. Always so frustrating when you read through and get all excited and then bam 'don't do X alone! Take a buddy or partner' and I'm like-what about me? Oh well. I also want to join the bushwalking club and maybe try out some ariel silk classes too. I'm trying to plan an overnight camping trip with a friend too but I have no idea if that'll come through. Uni will probably stop me doing any of these things but I live in hope-how do other people have families, jobs and go to school?! Superhuman.
Until next time,