Life list

Life list
This is just a rough as I think of them list, I might neaten it up later, but it's good to have goals in the meantime right?
Life list:
Figure out what I want to do. Be it uni or otherwise. I'm going to uni, I'll rethink each year. Got my university bachelors, now working on a graduate diploma.
2 Live overseas for an extended period of time (2-3 years)
3 Gain independence, feel confident and happy doing stuff on my own
4 Get my drivers licence
5 Learn to apply eyeliner. This may not sound hard. Do not be fooled ;)
6 Find a pair of ballet flats that fit. Mission impossible. I keep trying. Found some!
7 Develop my own style.
8 Feel confident in my own skin
9 Enjoy the small things and stop worrying so much
10 Complete a half marathon (the seawheeze is the one I'd like to do), this is a big deal as I'm a lazy creature at heart. My favourite activity? Sleeping. It'd be nice to get fit though.
11 Learn to ice skate. Those ice hockey players are using their sticks to stay upright. I swear.
12 Try and live life a little more, go to festivals, movies, picnics etc when the opportunity arrises and enjoy it.
13 Not be afraid to try because I might fail.
14 Be content to be myself and stop wishing I was someone else.
15 Learn another language. I'm thinking Russian (maybe french), but it's apparently pretty hard.
Catch my education up to a point where it's at least equal to a high school diploma-done
Yes that includes maths.Not the highest level but done
18 Have first relationship
Yeah. Kinda wish I hadn't.
19 Go to the beach and wear a swimsuit with confidence
20 learn to stand up paddle board
Pretty good at this now
21 go camping with friends
22 do a route 66 road trip
23 stay in a lake house with a swim raft
24 learn to scuba dive
I've done a discover scuba thing, not certified tho
25 snorkel with a whale shark and sea turtles
 meet some of my internet friends Met my Canadian friend!
27 do 4th July in the USA
28 go to a fancy restaurant without feeling out of place
29 do a yoga class
30 learn to do a handstand
31 do Canada day in Canada
32 do a Canadian road trip
33 complete an Australian multiday hike
To be continued.......


  1. Not an impossible list, execpt 11. Good luck with the rest!

    1. I know right! I swear they're not real or something.....;)

  2. I just saw this list. There is some overlap with mine. Number 5 though, i have given up on :p

    1. I know, but dammit one day I wan to look sleek and made-up rather than like a kid playing dress-up or, worse, a badly lit domestic violence ad.
      Are you going to put up your life list?

    2. I might. It's a very long list though and i might get depressed if I realise i'm not accomplishing much of it :p
