Friday, 30 August 2013

Dear universe: Don't even. I take it back.

So you know those last 2 post where I said life pretty much couldn't get any worse? Yeah I jinxed myself. I've just noticed I have some 'smudges' (they look like faded bruises or dirt) at the ends of both my eyebrows (the ear end) and under one eye........some quick google-ing has lead me to believe that it's likely melasma bought on by the BC pill. I only take BC to control my cycle, obviously. Neither my mother or sister ever had this when they were pregnant/using BC. Why me? Why? So what do I do? Go off BC and not leave the house for 2 weeks of every month cause my body is trying to kill me and spend the other 2 in dreaded anticipation? Or never leave the house because my face is covered in weird blotchy pigment/looks like it's smeared with dirt? I've been on the pill for over 6 years, why now? What I'm going to do: nothing. Well not right now anyhow, it's very subtle and I only noticed it cause the lighting was really good and I had my fringe pinned back (maybe it's been there for ages and I just haven't noticed? It's possible)-it doesn't show in photos and is easily covered-if it doesn't get any worse I can live with it. I'm not happy about it but I can deal. I am going to up my sunscreen (yay for itchy red eyes!) to an SPF 30 with zinc, as recommended by articles online, as I notice it's slightly worse on the side of the car I sit on the most and maybe I'll try some vit A or bleaching later if I think I need to. If it gets worse I'm going to have to do something, I just don't know what. Please don't let it get any worse. *sigh*
I'm thinking of buying this dress to cheer myself up:

Cute, eh?


  1. Sorry to read that. I also suffer from very painful cramps but feel that the side effects of birth control are not worth it for me. Pain medication and exercise are the only way to combat it. I hope you can find something to clear up the pigmentation. I want to go see a dermatologist myself for my hyper-pigmentation and residual scars from my bout with cystic acne during college. Vitamin A works for that? Good Luck! That dress is beautiful...
    I'm feeling a but depressed myself and want this bag:

  2. Not just cramps I'm afraid, I get mood swings for the week before from happy to suicidal in mere minutes and then debilitating headaches for the whole week where I need to be in a darkened room-needless to say I hated it. Sometimes I feel like less of a women because I can't cope with my period :(( Why can't I be like all those other girls? Yeah retinol which is a form of vit A can be very good for many skin complaints, but you need to use a low dose for sensitive skin or ouch! Vit e squeezed straight out of the capsule is also great for scaring. Retail therapy eh? I love that bag! I have one like it only in cow hide not plain leather-it's great!

  3. Could you talk to your doctor and get a different type of pill or dosage? Maybe that would help.

    1. Hey Dienna,
      Yeah I've thought that too, but after reading I've discovered that its a sensitivity to estrogen that causes the problem, so unlikely a change will do a lot-it also took me a couple of years at the start to get a pill that worked for me. I'm hoping that treating my skin very carefully will prevent a it worsening anyway, fingers crossed! If not of to the doctor and dermatologist for me I guess.
      I'm already having my 2 favourite side effects of sunscreen use: itchy eyes and breakouts *sigh*

  4. Hi Vanessa, just wanted to thank you for adding me to the blogs you read. I read your older posts and can relate to a fair bit of stuff you are going/went through. I hope your skin clears up soon.

    1. No problems, the more of us the merrier! :)
