Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Fashion and me. Or maybe that should be un-fashion and me.

Hello everyone! I've had an absolutely crazy, stressful few weeks mostly tying up loose ends with my old business and trying to figure out what now? But I thought it was about time for a new post, so here it is :)
I don't really have my own sense of style. It's something that irritates me about myself, surely at 26 I should have my own sense of style! My sister has her own very distinctive sense of style ( so does my 10 year old niece!), as do most people I know, and I just kind of float about not quiet sure which way is up honestly. I will sometimes hit on a celebs fashion that I really like, but really how realistic is that for everyday? I don't know. My mother is not into fashion at all and I'm not really sure if that has effected my lack of style identity/interest.......maybe I'm just lazy? I mostly wear jeans (not skinny ones, or flared ones...just um normal ones?), a T-shirt (sometimes a mans T-shirt, cause they are longer/bigger and you can work in them) and a jumper or hoodie. That's it. I own a couple of pair of converse which I love, but mostly I just wear whatever slip-on shoe I've acquired that year until they wear out. Whenever I do make an effort I usually feel like it's a waste of time, why bother when the only interest it'll garner is of the 'why so dressed up' kind, I usually just end up feeling silly and judged. I also envy girls who can apply make up really well and do their hair many different ways-I can't do make up at all and I'm generally make up free and the only hair style I seem to be able to manage is a simple plait. More on hair later. This may lead you to think that the only clothes I have are jeans, T-shirts and hoodies.......not true.....I actually have a really lovely array of cute dresses and tops (example:, cute right?) that I very rarely if ever wear, not that I don't want to I just don't want to be over dressed or look silly and I'm not really sure how to judge. So jeans and Ts are a safe choice. I even wore jeans to an awards dinner once!  And if you're wearing a cute outfit you're also going to want to have nice hair and makeup to match, which adds another obstacle to the getting ready debacle. As I'm not working or studying right now I'm not really being forced to make any style choices, but even if I were I'd likely end right back on jeans and Ts doorstep, which there's nothing wrong with-if thats where you want to be, I don't. One thing I love universally but rarely wear (sometimes, when I'm going to the city) are necklaces, I own quiet a few and I love them. I also love high heels and own a couple of pairs-I never wear them cause I can't walk in them! I do sometimes wear wedges in summer. I have a cycle of trying to dress up then deciding it makes 0 difference to anything and go straight back to where I started. I do the same with hair and makeup. I think in my crucial style developing years (which I'm thinking are from about 14 to about 19) I was isolated and essentially uninterested in clothes at all, as a matter of fact I think I mostly more my sisters hand me downs during that period with no complaints :) I've only just learned how to paint my own nails. Now onto hair. I'm beginning to think my hair stops people from approaching me. No I'm serious. Let me explain: I have long hair, like butt length long, and I'm seriously beginning to suspect people think I'm either really religious or slightly crazy. It also makes it hard to leave my hair down or do much with at all. So I'm seriously thinking of cutting it to between waist and mid-back length (think this length: which, whilst still being long, is more 'normal' hence approachable. It also means I might be able to leave it down more and maybe figure out some more styles I can do. I don't know, but it's only hair and it'll grow back! Anyway here are some stylish ladies I would love to emulate:

Phew! Sorry for all the pic spam! But now you know what I mean when I say I don't want to be just a jeans and T girl. I mean just sometimes I'd like something a little different :)) Maybe it's just a lack of self confidence? (if you're not a size 6 don't even bother! Type attitude) I don't know.
Also here is a blog with a girl with really cool style:
Some of which I love and some of which I don't, she seems really cool too!
Anyway that's it for now (sorry about the slightly disjointed layout),


  1. I am also a Plain Jane. Wearing dresses and skirts as everyday wear would be so out character for me. And forget makeup. So far this year, I've only worn a skirt once. In my case, it's just a way for me to blend in and not stand out. I'm in love with Zooey's style too.

    As for your hair, the length you're thinking of cutting it to sounds ideal; it will still be long, but easier to style. Layers maybe? I think my hair repels men too, but I'm not fighting nature and ever straightening my hair again. My hair will never be straight or curly, nor do I want it to be. It's kinky/coily. Love it or leave it...

  2. Yeah and then when you do people comment, they probably are trying to make you feel good but for me it has the opposite effect :( Funny how controversial hair can be isn't it? I admire hair on others a lot (for absolutely awe inspiring long hair visit the longhair forums) and I've love to have curly or wavy hair, I think the length puts people off due to the religious/crazy connection, despite the fact it's a running joke in my family that by the time my mother got to me she was sick of having christenings and didn't bother, so cutting will hopefully land me more back in a normal zone. But let me be clear if I didn't feel it was something I wanted to do anyhow I wouldn't. If I wanted knee length hair no amount of staring or comments would stop me. I just guess I'm feeling more ready to conform. It's scary though.......I've had long hair since I was 5 so a lot of my identity is tied up in it-I hope it doesn't cause too bigger upset for me. As for your texture-own it. I see curly hair, straight hair, thin hair, afros and so damaged it looks like straw and I think they are all attractive in their own way. Have you checked out hair romance ( Some really cool hairstyles there for kinky hair :)

  3. I tried to post this a few days ago, but Blogspot was acting weird. Trying again...

    Holland Roden always looks pulled together. I wonder if she ever dresses down! LOL Tyler Posey's (Holland's "Teen Wolf" co-star) childhood sweetheart/fiancée, Seana Gorlick, does her makeup frequently for events. (She does Tyler's makeup too!) She gave the rundown on what she used for Holland's Teen Choice Awards look.

    Though a lot of style is influenced by what we see in the magazines and on the red carpet, it's best to develop your own style. What do you like? What are your favorite colors? What feels comfortable on you? Those should be the ideas that help you develop your style.

    That's why I like shopping at thrift stores. I can find so many quirky and unique things at them. I recently found a kimono top there that was pink with gold stripes. I lucked out because I could barely see it on the rack until I pulled it off at random. I got a lot of envious looks from other shoppers. I held onto that sucker until it was paid for!

    I like shapes, colors, and statements in my personal style. I prefer either leggings or soft, flowy pants as opposed to pants made out of stiff materials (like khakis and denim, though I wear them from time to time). And I see women who are always dressed up even when dressing down, but that's not me. If I'm simply going to the store, a T-shirt and my track pants will suffice!

    All said, think about what you like to find your personal style. Carve your own path and don't follow the crowd.

    1. I love Holland, thanks for the link :) I think for me its a matter of finding what I like but also feel comfortable in. Which are not always mutually exclusive LOL Your style sounds really cute and unique :)
      Great advice,
      PS If blogger is being weird feel free to email me, alifelivedaloneatgmaildotcom, I always love to hear from you guys :))

  4. Looking at the posted pics, it seems like you are into a more feminine/bohemian style. Look around for what inspires you and speaks to you. Use your imagination. My cardinal rule is that fashion should be fun! Experiment to your heart's desire until you find what makes you feel wonderful and what flatters you. You will know when you get there. Fashion is an artform, a mode of self-expression and also a great conversation starter.


    1. Yeah definately very feminine in what I like......not so much what I wear LOL But I'll endeavour to experiment more and not care what other people think :)
