Well not really but I thought people might be curious. I'd like to preface this with: I'd be willing to throw all of these out the window if I was feeling 'it' with someone.
My list, lets start with the basics, appearance:
Race: Don't care really. If I like you I like you.
Hair: I love curly hair. Love it, don't mind if its straight either though, I just think curly hair is cute. Blonde, black, brown, red I like them all. I like it from a couple inches long to shoulder length. Not so keen on dreads or shaved heads.
Facial hair: big no from me. I don't like beards or
moustaches and don't even get me started on soul patches. I get if a guy wants to grow it out just to see what it's like or participate in movember or has a superstition to not shave during his sports finals-thats fine. If it's permanent then no thank you. I don't mind stubble at all.
Eyes: I like all eye colours. But I must admit I love pale eyes best. But not a huge factor.
Height: Taller than me. Even if by just an inch. I'm 5'6.
Body: I don't mind skinny guys (skinny nerds? Yep), fit guys (not body builders though) and normal everyday guys. I'm average weight so I tend to like a equal level from potential partners.
Tattoos: not my favourite things. A few small ones are fine, but not a huge consideration. Unless they are gang or prison tattoos.
Piercings: again I don't love them. I've never been attracted to someone with them so I can't say if I'd care or not if I was interested in someone.
Dress sense: Only huge flag here is wearing pants so low you can see their underwear. I can't stand that. Other than that I don't worry too much.
Then onto personality traits I like:
# Kind
# Funny, not a deal breaker at all but as I'm a bit quiet I like someone who can make me laugh
# Outgoing, again not a deal breaker but it does help given that I'm shy and reserved
# Faithful, goes without saying really
# Non smoker, if you do and want to quit off your own bat thats fine. But I don't want to nag you to quit, which I know I will do even if I don't want to
#Not a huge drinker, if you go out to the pub once a week okay. But having a drink every night? Not for me.
#Not a huge partier, once a month (I'm talking a big all night party or a club) is okay
#Willing to compromise, if I watch some movies you like, you'll watch some I like etc
#Non judgemental, I understand that in relationships things change and that you won't always agree/like the same things and that's fine, but if you're going to be nasty about it forget it-example you really hate that green shirt I have, nice way of asking me to get rid of it "I really don't like that green shirt, would you consider getting rid of it if I get you a new one?" versus "that green shirt is horrible. It makes you look fat/ugly/blah you should get rid of it"
#Open minded
#Drives sensibly, if you are gung-ho and stupid whilst driving forget it. My sister was killed in a car accident I don't take it lightly at all.
That's it for now I think. Am I too fussy? I don't know.
I've also made a ployvore page so you can get a rough idea of what I'm trying out style wise (I don't own all the items but it gives you an idea), check it out if you want and let me know what you think: http://alifelivedalone.polyvore.com/?filter=sets